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Finally a band reunion I can get behind! (THE KINKS!)

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Bennyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 06:51 PM
Original message
Finally a band reunion I can get behind! (THE KINKS!)

The Kinks are planning to follow in the footsteps of rockers Led Zeppelin with a highly anticipated reunion next year.

Lead singer and guitarist Ray Davies said the band's original members, which included Davies' brother Dave on guitar, Mick Avory on drums and Pete Quaife on bass plan to play together for the first time in nearly four decades in 2008.

Davies, 63, said a full reunion is on the cards next year for the first time in almost 40 years.

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graywarrior Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 07:01 PM
Response to Original message
1. Hell yeah!
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Bennyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 07:14 PM
Response to Original message
2. My Favorite Kinks song
Celluloid Heroes Might be one of my all time fave songs ever....
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Bennyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 08:18 PM
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3. Those damn Muswell Hillbillies!...
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crispini Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 08:34 PM
Response to Original message
4. Get OUT, I love them!
I'll be keeping an eye out for shows!
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OzarkDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 08:37 PM
Response to Original message
5. Finally!
Edited on Thu Dec-27-07 08:48 PM by OzarkDem
Ray has been dragging his feet on this for some time, glad he's going to cooperate.

It will be a thrill to see them together again and definitely look forward to seeing Dave the Rave onstage. He's doing so well after having a stroke a few years ago.

I'm definitely getting tickets for this one.

Take care, boys. Pete Quaife is on regular dialysis, so he needs to watch his health. Helluva funny guy.

And Ray, please be nice to Dave...

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many a good man Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 08:41 PM
Response to Original message
6. Cool! Remember 'Father Christmas'?

When I was small I believed in santa claus
Though I knew it was my dad
And I would hang up my stocking at christmas
Open my presents and Id be glad

But the last time I played father christmas
I stood outside a department store
A gang of kids came over and mugged me
And knocked my reindeer to the floor

They said:
Father christmas, give us some money
Dont mess around with those silly toys.
Well beat you up if you dont hand it over
We want your bread so dont make us annoyed
Give all the toys to the little rich boys

Dont give my brother a steve austin outfit
Dont give my sister a cuddly toy
We dont want a jigsaw or monopoly money
We only want the real mccoy

Father christmas, give us some money
Well beat you up if you make us annoyed
Father christmas, give us some money
Dont mess around with those silly toys

But give my daddy a job cause he needs one
Hes got lots of mouths to feed
But if youve got one, Ill have a machine gun
So I can scare all the kids down the street

Father christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
Well beat you up if you dont hand it over
Give all the toys to the little rich boys

Have yourself a merry merry christmas
Have yourself a good time
But remember the kids who got nothin
While youre drinkin down your wine

Father christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
Well beat you up if you dont hand it over
We want your bread, so dont make us annoyed
Give all the toys to the little rich boys
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Bennyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-27-07 11:04 PM
Response to Original message
7. A Well Respected Follower of Fashion!
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OzarkDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 01:24 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. I was So Tired of Waiting
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jpgray Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 01:25 AM
Response to Original message
9. Mick Avory is going to slice open Dave's head with a high hat on live television
Or, at least, there's a good chance.
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OzarkDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 01:31 AM
Response to Reply #9
10. No, Dave is going to jump on Ray
and pummel the crap out of him for introducing him as Dave "Death of A Clown" Davies.
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Bennyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 10:05 AM
Response to Reply #10
13. Great video....N/T
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jpgray Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 06:50 PM
Response to Reply #10
16. I love the Kinks. And I also love the fact that they beat the hell out of each other
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Common Sense Party Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 01:36 AM
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11. You mean the Kinks are going to Do It Again?
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Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 01:55 AM
Response to Original message
12. That's good news!
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Bennyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 10:50 AM
Response to Original message
14. My KINKS Story.....
The best Kinks show (of about 10 or so)I saw was at the US Festival.

I was backstage watching Bill Graham operate and this scene unfolded right before my eyes.

The Kinks ae due on stage in five minutes. The Cars have been off for about 15 already and the Kinks are not on site. A brand new Mercedes pulls into the backstage area. Out pops, who I came to find out, was the manager of the Kinks.

Bill runs over to him and a huge argument ensues. The manager is telling Bill that the Kinks are not coming until after Pat Benatar and not without lights. Bill starts screaming at the guy, telling him it is in the contract, which Bill has on his ever present clipboard, that they play before Pat Benatar and that the manager is holding the festival hostage etc. He is flipping the fuck out.

Finally he just says "that's it" and signals to a forklift driver to come over and pick the Mercedes up. the look on the Kinks' managers face was one of pure horror, you know he spent the bands advance on that car and here it was fifty feet in the air.

Bill Yells "five minutes or they are off the bill". The manager goes into panic mode and is looking for a phone. This is way before cell phones so he is looking at the same bank of pay phones that everyone is using. he is literally throwing people out of line to get his call made. Just pulling them out of line. It was a long line too, with 600,000 people at the event.

About five minutes after the manager makes his call a helicopter lands with the Kinks. Bill says nothing really, and they each go into one of the row of dressing rooms. Time is wasting. Now it has been about 45 minutes or an hour since the Cars came off and this was not acceptable to Bill.

After about five more minutes Bill is furious. He knocks on the Kinks dressing rooms door and yells "That's IT!".

Bill marches towards the stage, past the manager who is trying to stop him. Bill tells him, "you are off the bill and I am telling them why" and brushes pat him. Bill is about 6 inches from the microphone and Ray (With the band behind him) waves his arms yelling "No Bill, No". Bill, completely switching gears, acting like nothing is at all wrong, gives them effusive praise and introduces the band.

The Kinks went to play what had to be the best show they ever played. INTENSE AS HELL. They were so fucking good that night it was unreal.

The Kinks never played for Bill Graham again as the Kinks. they did a couple of tours afterwards, but when they came to SF, they played for anotehr promoter.

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OzarkDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 11:28 AM
Response to Reply #14
15. Great story! n/t
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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-28-07 06:54 PM
Response to Original message
17. I'm a 20th Century Man but I don't want...don't want...don't wanna DIE one...
HELL yes.

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Bennyboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-29-07 02:54 PM
Response to Original message
18. And Dave says.....
Though it bears repeating that this Kinks reunion thing has come up a few times in the press in recent months, and it seems far from a done deal. It's really too bad that Ray expects the rest of the band to be his little robots and play exactly what he dictates ... having heard most of their recent solo material, I'm a lot more aligned with where Dave is these days than Ray.

Here's what Dave had to say about it in November, when the same rumors were on the radio and in UK newspapers (from the messageboards at

I wrote a song called Where pigs fly ' Ray wrote 10 songs out of of them was Hatred, one was LOLA and the other eight were You Really Got Me.

Ray has been doing Karaoke Kinks shows since 1996. "Phobia...what you got..." What is he talking about. I wouldn't mind or rather consider doing some shows with Ray purely in respect for the Great body of work we have both been fortunate to have been involved in over the years. And for the fans of course. And the money don't forget the money Reg, remember what it used to be like before the money, Reg. But to sit in a room or studio with him and have my brain and heart slowly sucked out ... no friggin thank you. Got the t-shirt, overcoat, bruises, psychiastrist, worts, scars, lumbago and somnambulistic gaze to proove it...Muse indeed. Source, inspiration and creative and emotional supply maybe...(not to mention psychic dustbin). oh forgive me, I muse! Ha Ha! (in flippant upperclass accent)...It would be like a poor remake of 'Night of the Livin Dead'... There is nothing wrong with the old songs or new songs that we have both been writing on our own; but not more torture Please. no more Hannabal lectur.aah!
the swan song Ray and Dave tour should be called the Kinks are 'The Fractured Mindz preservation Society'.
'Preserve in Peace.'

Ah bless me, I muse myself...There's no hit like an old hit! or is it? no fool like an...oh whatever? or is it?. To pout or not to pout. That is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the sulks and abuse of outrageous no no gettin mixed up here...

I a'muse' . I adore.

jest a little piece of flesh oh! oh! I mean fun...Fun fun fun for all of you muses out there!!!.

I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying...Oscar Wilde

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