I just had a noodle around a forum I was chased out of last year, for being "a faggit LIEbrul", among other things. This forum was sooo pro-bush, it was scary.
It's a muscle car forum, so it's very blue-collar. And, as blue-collar ideology goes, the biggest loudmouths are always the neocon supporters, who are generally the ones being screwed by neocon policies.
I haven't been back to that forum, until today, but I thought I'd poke around. One of the biggest 'enemies' I had, said this, recently, in a post marked "President Bush: Love Him or Hate Him":
(there's still alot of pro-bush idiocy on the forum, but the existence of any type of dissent is truly remarkable, to me, particularly coming from the guys who are now in "?W" mode.
Dig this:
"...I've got enough problems with him tough, that I would probably vote for a Democrat for the first time in my life if the ultimate candidate could convince me he has serious, "forward strategy" for defeating the terrorists rather than just wanting to be popular with the op-ed section of the NYT and Le Monde. So far, they haven't shown me that they would be willing to do anything difficult or unpopular in this arena...."
Here's another plum, from a guy who threatened me physically, for my criticism of Dubya:
"Things I do NOT like about Bush...
He's a defniite crook. He has more big businesses in his pocket than any president in history.
His 'No Child Left Behind' education plan is totally insane.
His financial plan of cutting all those taxes, the biggest cuts to the rich, while the goveernment is forced to borrow $0.20 of every dollar they spend is ridiculus. It's not responsible. He's just trying to buy our votes.
Things I do like about him...
He's a straight talker, and doesn't take a lot of sh*t.
However, I couldn't stomach Gore as a president. John McCain didn't have hardly ANY big businesses funding his election, and would have had ZERO favors to pay back. He's a REAL war hero, and a helluva smart guy that would have been an EXCELLENT president. Bush WAY outspent him in the primary, and still didn't win by much. McCain would have been my first choice.
I don't really care who wins at this point..."
Ah, I am smug...
Why am I posting this here? To illustrate that two of the most blinded, violent and thoughtless Bush Uber Alles supporters I've ever met are rethinking their ideologies. And for every one of these guys, there's ten thousand who don't post on the internet.
The tide IS turning, people.
Here's the original link, if you want to see both sides...
http://www.fordmuscle.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=22991&forum=2&start=0on edit: one of the best posts was from the guy who said Bush couldn't possibly be a crook because he was a graduate of an Ivy League business school. :eyes: :crazy: :dunce: