That said, a few months ago, we adopted a magnificent standard poodle from a rescue organization. He had been a hearing assistance dog and it shows, he is so attentive and well behaved and just fabulous. We have forged an especially tight bond, he and I and I find myself on the eve of a new year actually having a resolution worth trying for. So here it is:
I will aspire to be as amazingly magnificent as my dog thinks I am.
Barring reaching that high mark, I just hope he feels how much I love him and how much I appreciate what he's brought to our family, especially my autistic child who would never get near a dog before Oly, now Oly sometimes sleeps on his bed (when his first pick, me, isn't available). That's great progress that Oly has made with our kiddo and he obviously cares for him and also for my partner Jason but it's me from which all amazing things come forth in Oly's mind.
Happy New Year, Y'all