but it's up to the ceiling and it's in my dining room behind the table, blah, blah. here's my "christmas tree" pic-
maybe this is the ghost of christmas one week ago... partridge/chickadee in a pear/ficus tree. My kids just went over to their dad's. this is what I get for no christmas decorations this year.
Oh, and I just heard a freaking raccoon that keeps coming back to my place and prying open the attic vents. welcome back. x(it sounds like it weighs 40lbs. I've trapped it and released it waaaay far away. More than once. don't know if this is one of the other raccoon's babies or what. this is what sucks about being divorced. I have to arrange to get the raccoon and call someone to install new vents with wire behind them or else the thing comes back. when you're calling on someone you don't even know, that can be a problem. excuse me, raccoon, could we schedule a catch time so that I can arrange for someone to come over here?
My next-door-neighbor helps me out a lot. in fact, he's the only male who has ever bothered to offer to help me out... which I found sort of ironic since I had xtreme catholic fundie-types living across the street for years. anyway, my neighbor won't take any $$ for this, so I tried to pay him for his help with tickets to Dylan/Costello but he couldn't go and his wife was out of town...
sorry if that sounds sooo sexist, but I don't know ANY female who climbs up extension letters. I mean, I do, to clean out my gutters, but all I'm doing is running a hose.
can you tell I'm procrastinating so that I don't have to face my bird issue? the guy I was seeing but not never bothered to help me do anything. one reason he's not my b.f. because, whatthefuck, my oldest son has aspergers and can't climb on a ladder safely and now my younger son is old enough, but he's never done stuff like that and I certainly wouldn't have him repairing a vent that's two stories high.
oh, and just to really vent, I just got another phone call from this person I met through work. she has called me at least 40 times over the holiday. I simply don't pick up the phone, but if you had called someone 40 times and emailed once for this person to tell you they'd turned off their phone... would you still call? I tend to attract strays, obviously. both my cats were from the pound.