Maine's caucuses are tomorrow. In our county there are 4 locations that will not have a caucus because we couldn't find a volunteer to run it. I feel awful about it. Sick to my stomach even. Now I'm getting people calling me asking why we're disenfranchising them. Where were they when I needed the help? I advertised in the newspapers and on various web sites "if your town isn't listed call..." No one called. Now they're calling though.
We asked people to run the caucuses. They said no. They had no idea who else we could call. Other than call every Dem in the towns, which I suppose I could have done, what were we to do?
I'm sorry. I wanted 100%. The caucus is returning to Maine after 12 years of primaries. We don't have town Democratic committees set up everywhere. Hopefully, this will get people active again at the grassroots level.
I guess this is my somewhat public somewhat anonymous apology. I feel like crap.