Edited on Mon Feb-09-04 08:34 PM by HypnoToad
Let's see: Foreign inspectors found nothing after a very long time. Bush then trumps up an 'Imminent threat' charge against the US, saying we must go to war and we can't wait. We went to war and bombed them back to the stone age. He got half the people to call the other half traitors just because they didn't readily support the war. Not very promising for a man who proclaimed to be a "uniter, not a divider". "Liberating" Iraq was another lie he hijacked as well. Well, they're liberated now. Even before the real terrorists came, the Iraqis paid US soldiers in kind. Can't blame them, George H W Bush betrayed the Iraqis in 1991 when he allowed Hussein to go on killing them after the first Gulf War...
Meanwhile, while Present President Bush orders oil wells guarded, he allows looting of human historical artifacts by telling the armed forces to do nothing for the longest time, and left nuclear and other facilities unguarded, ripe for real terrorists to waltz on in and take what they please. People need to remember this when the dirty bombs start to go off anywhere in this world, I hope that does not happen.
Bush even had his cronies tell us that Saddam was in league with Osama Bin Forgotten. (Osama Bin Laden, but as of March 13, 2002, Bush made it clear that he did not care for Osama... "Osama Bin Laden is a person who's been marginalized... You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, to be honest with you. I'll repeat what I said. I am not truly concerned with him.") Oh yeah, it turns out that the big co-conspiracy between Saddam and Osama... was another work of fiction. Another LIE.
There was no imminent threat and it's starting to look that there was no threat toward anybody else in the region either. But even then, that is irrelevant. Bush chided for instant war, to excite his need for instant gratification, specifically making comments that more than implied an imminent threat against the US. This is what we call "lies". Surely this puts Monica Lewinsky's blue dress in proper perspective?!
And while I concede that Bush's antics would have made any foreign leader angry enough to really try to find ways to fight back against him, that's not the point here and would only let me continue on to openly question Bush as a competent leader in terms of foreign policies and diplomacy... (let's just say he ISN'T.)
Iraq is a dismal mess, filled with more terrorists now than ever before. And more senseless killing of American citizens, placed there in harm's way. To die for a pack of lies. Did Bush make us safer? Hardly. He's put tens of thousands of troops in harm's way and has allowed over 500 of them to die. And die for what? Not protecting what we hold dear.
And no weapons have been found; which is a waste upon waste of American money.
He can't even plant any weapons because he'd be discovered.
And all he can do is try to blame everybody else. That's sick and twisted. Everything he does is sick and twisted.
Impeachment would only be a beginning of an apropos punishment given the chaos, hatred, and death he has created and fostered in his lusting for vengeance and oil. But putting him on the Censure Leash is a suitable alternative. This was a war of choice. A war made on unsound and invalidated information. A war made on baseless, trumped up evidence. This is an outrage.
Sound good?