For the last three years, I have made sugar cookies that have to be mixed, chilled, rolled out and baked for friends, neighbors, classmates and coworkers, as a gesture of my (how to say this without sounding very silly?) um, universal regard for human beings. I am doing the same again this year, but some neighbors I was planning on giving cookies to last week have made me really mad this week. It involes something to do with my kids, but my point really is this: Do I say no way those people are getting my precious cookies, they don't deserve them. Or do I say, well, as a gesture it doesn't mean much if you let yourself play a petty little game of "You can't have any of my cookies!" when you get a little upset. I want caring, compassion and regard to mean something in this world, and I seem to be about the only one up for it at the moment.
So, do they get the cookies or not?