This is a few months old, but it's new to me. I must share it with the world. :beer:
Yeah, we get that some of you are broke and you want to get your money's worth (a cheap drunk), and that the rest of you are simply drinking impaired (sheep to advertising and others, or don't know any better), but do you realize that for the same amount of money, or a little bit more, you could still get your cheer on, truly enjoy a flavorful beer, support the local beer scene and help to stop the perpetuation of the stereotypical male college student ... you know, the one where everyone thinks you're a drunken assclown? There's simply no need to dump this kind, and quantity, of sub-par "beer" down your throat. It's just not cool, bra ...
Most have alcohol by volumes of 5 percent or less, hence the cheap price and why you need to drink so many to achieve your desired level of stupidity. The cheap price is also a marketing tactic, aimed at your current financial and social situation. All of the goodness typically associated with beer has been filtered, stripped clean to almost water. They are typically made with cheap adjuncts, like rice and corn. They can also contain a slew of other chemical additives and junk ingredients that breweries are not required to divulge to the public. Headaches? Sickness? The runs? Coincidence?
First, you're going to need to quit, cold turkey. Back away from the mega-packs of crap beer, turn around, and walk away from them forever. They are not your friends, and you owe them nothing.
Anyway, you get the point: quality. Spending a few more bucks won't kill you and once you switch to better beer, you'll be hooked for life. You'll also witness the infectious powers of beer advocacy with your friends; they'll want to try (mooch) your better beer. You'll be "the beer guy," people will ask you for your opinion; instant "coolness" ... and you'll feel better when you wake up each morning.