I am the director of a youth performing arts group. I have 16 performing members - 5 high school kids, the rest college. About 3 of these are over 21. I also have 3 staff members - all over 21.
Last year I had a problem when my only staff member at the time had a party for the group at his house (without my knowledge) and provided alcohol for the underage members who attended. I later heard stories of a 16 year old throwing up from drinking too much, etc. We were at the end of the season (last few weeks) and I was furious, but let it slide.
At the beginning of this years performance season, I told them explicitly this was not allowed. When I met with the staff before the season, I told them what had happened last year and explained that it was not allowed.
I have now found out that there have been about 3 parties involving staff and members all drinking. The lastest was this Saturday after our first performance. All 3 staff members were there drinking as well as a number of the members, most under aged and 2 still in high school.
My first reaction is to fold the group. Out of the 16 members, from what I can tell only 4 or 5 have not attended one of these parties.
What would you do?
These members pay about $500.00 for the season. Some have not paid all of their dues yet, some have. The money has been spent on choreographers, uniforms, equipment, etc. needed for their show (I am a volunteer and get no $ for what I do). Right now, there is about $400.00 left which I will owe for rental of our rehearsal space.
I'm concerned about parents wanting refunds if I fold the group - I don't know my legal options here.