I wen to do a business profile on a local lodge's new restaurant. First off, wow, what an elegant place.
Then I got to talking with the owner and head chef. They are both Scotch drinkers, and I mean real Scotch drinkers not this Ballantiens swill. So, we decided to start a scotch club that meets on Friday evening.
Not bad for me because they are sure the mayor will want in on it too. They gave me a drink of scotch on the house. It was a smoke kind, I can't remember the name but wow was it good.
It was funny though, right after I had to go to meet up with a lady doing a cougar study. Part of my interview was also to convince her I would not be a liability on the hunt when she darts them.
SO here I come, at 10:30 am to convince her I won't be a liability while reeking like booze!
Lucky for me she had a cold :-)