While we appreciate that it is silly season, most DU users do not fully appreciate what it takes to run this site. We go through millions of characters a second here, and we have to keep things well stocked up, not to mention load in new boxes when the tubes start to reach the low mark. It's all a lot of work.
And there is only so much room to store things, so when we order new letters we have to take our best guess as to what the next week's demand is going to be. We did buy extra exclamation points in anticipation of silly season, but apparently not enough. We usually do a good job of it -- we even have plenty of capital Os still.
But as you are all aware, there has been a lot of volatility in the commodities market, and although we have pre-negotiated a contract price for our regular deliveries, we just cannot afford emergency supplies at current market prices. Blame the hedge funds.
So we'd like to ask DUers to conserve exclamation points. Either don't use as many, or alternatively, we do have plenty of the pipe ( | ) character sitting on the shelf gathering dust, because nobody seems to know that exists on their keyboard or what it's called. It is usually on the same key as your backslash... umm... which is the one that goes from top left to .... oh nevermind.
We'd advise against using the number 1 as a substitute because it makes you look like a spazz. Unless that's your intent, of course.
Anyway we really do appreciate your help on this, and if things get really bad, we'll try to restrict exclamation points to doners to stretch things out a bit. One of the benefits of membership (hint hint).
Sincerely -- not really the DU Admins
(I was going to save this post for April Fools Day, but apparently it cannot come soon enough.)