For those who are wondering where the heck I've been - I've been extremely busy with variety of work projects. I am currently downloading a huge file from HP so I have a few moments to spare - I'm fine, so don't panic. I'll be back soon. I'm still a heavy Dean supporter, and I try to peruse whatever I can with Dean. I'm glad that he's getting more face time and print. When people read about him, they'll realize he'll be the next Clinton, and people will start supporting him.
Other than that, I'm trying to get my dog back from my sister in MD (who has been with her for almost a year now), and my wife is starting to warm up to the idea of getting Teddy back. Before we gave it to my sister, he was not friendly with my wife, but my sister has been sending us reports that he's very intelligent and trained now, and our financial situation is in much stronger shape than it was a year ago, but we still have a debt, and we are looking into trading in our little Echo for a Toyota Camry (a big jump, but from what my wife tells me on her recent trip with her brother in Las Vegas from Denver, it consumes 550 miles on one tank! That's beyond impressive)
(For those who has not seen Teddy, here he is, when he was a puppy)
:hi: to all, and forgive me if I don't know everyone new - that's what happens when you take two months off from DU.