Edited on Thu Aug-07-03 10:34 PM by Dover
Okay, I was pretty upset last night when Letterman poked fun of Kucinich's looks, asking if anyone could vote for someone who looked like that. Yes, he does have the Ross Perot ear thing happening... but then Ross DID try to warn us about NAFTA (as has Kucinich)...so maybe the less attractive types are more reliable when it comes to truth. I mean, I really struggled over Jimmy Carters big teeth and scary eyes. But he grew up to be someone really special too.
So don't get me started about looks! I think anybody with a little talent in cartoon caricatures could do quite a job on any of the candidates. While Dean is considered by many as the most attractive, let me be the first to disagree. And this has absolutely NOTHING to do with his ideas, campaign, policies, electability, etc., so don't flame me. But Dean's mouth seems to be the only animate part of his face and reminds me of those hilarious discussions that Conan O'Brien has on his show with the picture posters of some famous person, where only their mouth moves. A little bit stiff.
Someone here at DU described Kerry as looking a little like a mortician.
So anyway, just getting that off my chest. I'm sure once the next president is elected, the cartoonist will have all those idiocyncracies down to a fine art.