I've only been coming here for a couple of months. I won't be posting anything else. The novelty has worn off and my humor is too eclectic for the majority of posters here. I am a gay man. I have always felt marginalized and I have often had that same feeling here, even in the GLBTQ forum. Very few people have been welcoming to me. I commend those who have and wish them well.
I will continue to support Barack Obama because I have always known he is the best candidate for the presidency. I don't really feel a need anymore to discuss my feelings on this stance so I have been ignoring most of the bru-ha-ha posted in the GD-P. I hope he chooses Wesley Clark as his running mate but if he doesn't, I'll support the person he chooses. I'm despise Hillary Clinton but if it's her, so be it.
I think everyone is way off track with the marriage equality (legal union) issue and there is a better way, which may be what Obama proposes when he becomes President. My opinion can be found in the recent poll on the subject "gay marriage - for it or against it" where I spent too many hours responding to people who chose to stake me in the heart because of my position. Maybe I convinced a few to reconsider their stance. I guess it was worth it, I'm not sure. I no longer give a damn.
I may continue to visit the front page occasionally and catch up on sensible topics of discussion but I'm weary of snarly people and juvenile posts in the forums that are meant to be serious. This does not include the lounge. I was dissappointed to read yesterday that there is a place here called 'the dungeon' which seems very un-democratic to me. There should be a comedic forum where people can let off steam. The lounge has proven it is not such a place. Lord knows in the current political climate this is sorely needed.
Bye bye-uh.