This September, my best friend will be getting married. He is actually getting married right down the street from my old house where I grew up in...except that because my parents sold the old house this past spring and moved down to Florida (closer to me now), I will not be staying there.
With that in mind, I'm thinking this might be something of a surreal experience. The place where I grew up for 18 years, where my family lived for decades, where I have all my childhood memories, is no longer officially home to me. Driving past the old house knowing it no longer belongs to my family--that will be quite weird. Staying at a hotel in my small town, instead of my old bedroom, that is just going to feel so strange.
Like you are now on the outside looking in. No longer are you in your own "hometown". You are in Anytown, USA, without any ties or connections to the community. With the exception of all those intangile memories of what used to be, and maybe a familar face or two of someone you know from the past, you are suddenly a stranger.
Has anyone else had this experience? Where they have returned to the area where they grew up long after they and everyone else they knew had moved? Is it really as strange as I think it will be?