All of which I kind of am, except for heterosexual. Ha ha ha.
I miss my boyfriend already!
And...I talked to him this morning!
I'm leaving for camp on Sunday. And will be gone for five weeks. And am extremely excited, but will miss him tons.
That, and I was supposed to be going with one of my best friends, but no longer am. The summer is divided into four sessions: she was going for 1 (which already started), and 2. I'm going for 2, 3 and 4. She jumped ship after a week, because she decided she didn't want to be there (although it was her 3rd year as a camper), because she decided she was too old for someone to be telling her what to do. (I love her to bits, but she's been on an egomaniac/stuck up teenager streak lately).
Eek! More acting like a teenage girl! (Mah BFF iz not there!! Boo hoo!)
Save me from myself. Ha ha.