Human relationships pretty childish. Especially, when it come comes to intimacy. I see alot of this in how movies from the US and from those of other countries generally portray this. Here he have this whole "PORKY'S" mentality that still permeates the entire US movie industry from farces like the entire "AMERICAN PIE" industry through the "VAN WILDER". In a lot of European movies, especially those made, the Sixties and Seventies when there was still a definable difference between the European and American styles, one could notice a much more adult approach to the portrayal of intimacy. This can be seen in movies like the Emmanuelle and Emmaunelle II. Hollywood Vanguard, Marlon Brando even tried to tap in this European mindset when he starred in "LAST TANGO IN PARIS". Very Brit born director Adrian Lyne is one of the few directors of American movies that tries to bring this European verite' style to US audiences, in moves like "UNFAITHFUL" and "Nine 1/2 WEEKS".
Moreover, to me this a reflection of American attitudes, versus a difference in cinematic styles. Americans tend to see intimacy through a veil of childish titillation, as if it was youthful indiscretion. Even the actors are most of the time young and immature, late teens and early twenties, at an age where mature thoughts and actions are rare. And as the rare portrayal of older characters are portrayed, a somewhat retained depiction of immaturity persists. Whereas, one would see in European movies, per se, characters of much older age engaging in intimacy and there situations not dependent of a slapstick plot line or just for childish titillation.
There are so many examples of what I'm trying to communicate in today's US media and I'm sure the causes are varied as well. Could it be the American quality of Puritanism, that still persists? Or is it our unwillingness to embrace a more comprehensive process in US education?
The questions are many.
But I ask those of you, who are more traveled or were raised outside of the US, is this phenomena unique to an American attitude? If it does exist outside of the US, is this because of the vast influence that US media has internationally? What else am I missing?
Anyway, I hope that you realized that I'm being serious, for once.