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hilarious movie on TCM tonight -- did you see it?

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grasswire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 01:24 AM
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hilarious movie on TCM tonight -- did you see it?
Kiss Me Stupid.

Dean Martin, Ray Bradbury, Kim Novak, directed by Billy Wilder.

It was full of the twists and turns that Wilder's movies do so well. Bradbury should have gotten an Oscar for his role. But TCM said that the movie was a dud because it attacked morality. Lots of groping and sleeping around, etc.

Here's one review from

When writer-director Billy Wilder made `Kiss Me, Stupid' in 1964, he was riding high: His comedy-drama `The Apartment' had won the Oscar as best picture in 1960 and Wilder's `Irma La Douce,' released in 1963, had been a smash. `Stupid,' however, would not receive critical raves or a warm reception at the box office. Instead it would be condemned by the Catholic Legion of Decency, banned in several cities and dropped by its original distributor United Artists, which gave `Stupid' a limited and unsuccessful release through its art-film branch Lopert Films. Seen today, it's laughable to think that this innuendo-laden but mostly innocuous comedy created such a furor. Admittedly, Wilder pushed the boundaries of good taste with some of the dialogue and imagery. Even so the movie is far more nutty than smutty. Set in the Nevada hamlet of Climax, `Stupid' tells the story of church organist and piano teacher Orville J. Spooner (Ray Walston), who is insanely overprotective of his adoring and adorable wife Zelda (Felicia Farr, who was married to Jack Lemmon offscreen). Orville and buddy Barney (Cliff Osmond) write songs in their spare time – one is called `I'm Taking Mom to the Junior Prom ‘Cuz She's a Better Twister Than My Sister,' and another begins, `I'm a poached egg without a piece of toast/Yorkshire Pudding without a beef to roast' – and they're excited when singing sensation Dino (Dean Martin as the same kind of leering lush he usually played in his nightclub act and on TV) is stranded in town. Orville thinks he can sell some material to Dino, but the aspiring tunesmith is alarmed by Dino's reputation as a great seducer and fears Zelda, a Dino fan, will end up in the star's clutches. So Orville hires Polly (Kim Novak), a trampy type with teased platinum hair who works at the local dive known as The Belly Button, to pretend to be his wife while he entertains Dino for an evening. Thanks to a series of surprises, it becomes a night to remember for all concerned, including Zelda, who wasn't even supposed to be a part of it in the first place. ... What separates `Stupid' from so many of the so-called `sex comedies' of the period is its combination of cynicism and directness. Beneath the teasing and the titillation there are some genuinely provocative themes about human nature and the sacrifices we're willing to make to catch a break. Although the movie has what might be termed a happy ending, it's a conclusion with more than a few dark clouds hanging over it. Wilder and Diamond must have somehow known that the second half of the 1960s would be fraught with social changes and the re-evaluation of old standards. What looked like trash in 1964 seems pretty prescient when screened today.
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Radio_Lady Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 01:32 AM
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1. Probably saw it in 1964 with another husband in another life! I can't remember, truly.
Edited on Tue Jul-22-08 01:40 AM by Radio_Lady
No, we went to a preview of "Man on Wire." It's one of the Sundance Film Festival's 2008 program. The movie won't be released until mid-August. Very intense and fascinating movie. More later...

Thanks for your post.

RL in OR

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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 02:08 AM
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2. not at home tonight but I am a HUGE TCM fan
they show some REAL GEMS :thumbsup:
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grasswire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-22-08 12:51 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. this one is worth renting on DVD
I've gotta show it to some family members. Bradbury is too much.
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