I saw Passion earlier today with my 13 y/o daughter 16 y/o son and wife. I am a "backslid" Christian who was raised very religious. I prepared for the movie by rereading the crucification accounts in all 4 books and talking with my kids. Of late on this MB I have been compelled to stand up for good Christians and waged a respectful Mess. Board debate against people here in defense of Christians... who I think are overly harshly judged on this board.. not to say that is completely without cause... but it is how I see it. Not all Christians are "fundies" out to inflict their rw views on others.. some are simply Christian because they believe the only way to God is through Jesus... I am in the later category. I don't care what others do.
The movie begins in the Mt of Olives after the last supper. I found the opening 20-25 mins less than compelling. Gibson took artistic liberty in showing his view of what he thought Jesus went through during prayer while the disciples slept. I suppose it could have been the way Gibson presents it.. it could have been any number of things. The mob and soldiers showed up after the accurate berating of his disciples for falling asleep instead of watching over him... it stayed accurate aside from tossing him over a bridge .. I think Gibson tried to tell a good story... the crucification in the bible is actually only a few versus in each of the four books.. so I guess if he stuck to the "script" the movie would have lasted 25 minutes. He filled in the blanks. I think his "blank" time would have been better spent on more teachings of Jesus and less violence.. I would have enjoyed the movie better personnally... One thing for sure, if you're not a Christian before this movie, you wont be after it. Had they showed some teaching.. perhaps some would consider taking a look at Jesus in the bible.
It is hard for me to put this review to words to express accurately what I mean... I wish I were more articulate. There was the trial before the High Priests and then dragging him before Pilot. From the time the soldiers/mob arrest him.. they never stop punching, beating, and spitting on him. This is accurate bibliclly... but it was different to actually see it. The bible is clear they smote, spit, and mocked him.. but as it is one sentence it the bible.. you don't really consider that it was so vicious or lasted so long. I think Mels version of this was more true than the sanitary versions of the Crucification in other movies and it accurately reflects what the bible means.
I think from here out I will just address different aspects:
Pilate: I think Pilate's portrayal was biblically accurate... Pilate did not want to execute Jesus.. and even after the scourging offered to let him go... hoping the scourging would appease the mob and high priests. As it was in the bible, it did not appease the mob. Pilate's judging of Jesus was accurate... some license in expressing that.. but it is clear in scripture both Pilate and his wife felt Jesus was just. I think Pilate's portrayal overall was perfect. Pilates wife was overtly sympathetic as in the bible.
The scourging: I studied scourging before the movie. A scourging is indeed a horrible thing.. It was a grotesque thing to actually watch.. more grotesque was looking at his torn body through the rest of the movie... I did seem to get numb about this... if only for the fact you couldn't watch the movie anymore if you allowed yourself to become grossed out. It was quite sickening and disturbing.
One problem I have with the scourging was the cartoonish way he presented the Roman Soldiers. As a history buff, I know the Roman Army was a professional disciplined army. This is the sole reason they were so successful in a time when it was sword against sword. Romans were professional soldiers... Furthermore, from my understanding of executioners (and even to this day if you read about Saudi's current guy) they are professionals in what they do. I think the scourging would have been handled in a "professional" manner.. by soldiers assigned and trained to do this task... not by a bunch of laughing idiotic buffoons. I think Gibson has been influenced by Hollywood in his portrayal of the Roman Army.. and not by the history of this army. Although it is clear in scripture the Roman Soldiers mocked him, etc... I still found their portrayal as cartoonish and inaccurate.
Jews: Before the movie I was very skeptical about the Jewish community being up in arms. The fact is.. it is the Jews in the mob and High Priest who wanted and cried for his execution even after the scourging... so I felt they were expressing a type of sour grapes. In the movie IMO there is indeed something about the Jews that .. as with the Romans, makes many of them like babbling toothless idiotic buffoons. That said.. the High Priests were portrayed very good. I think Italians should be more pissed than the Jews.. I definitely can see why the the Jewish community is offended. Certain people in the crowd.. etc.. hard to put your finger on exactly.. nothing overt.. but it does seem like Gibson never missed an opportunity to present some mindless Jewish guy babbling about... This is not in the bible.. so the fact he added it in could be seen as offensive. Even kids taunting Judas.. etc.. Those offended by the fact that it was the Jews calling for the execution.. well I don't have much sympathy for that for it is as it was.... as they say. But the "extras" .. Yep, Mel overdid it.
He had a great portrayal of Herod... but I doubt Herod has a bunch of slobbering fools laying about his feet he would need to kick out of the way when he walked... stuff like that... Mels Herod account was accurate according to the book of Luke. After seeing it, I can see empathize with why the Jewish community is sensitive to this move.
Ending, Crucification, etc: I think Barabbas was overdone as disgusting looking... you can be a murderer and thief without looking the way Barabbas did. I think Mels license was meant to express "this mob would have released ANY person into the community rather than Jesus". I highly doubt Barabbas was anything but normal in appearance... his crimes aside. And as Barabbas was fairly popular to begin with, inciting a revolt, etc.. It was an inaccurate portrayal IMO. This Barabbas would not have inciting anything in anyone at any time in history.. save maybe to smote the hell out of him or run as he approached you. The ending of the movie, other than Barabbas' appearance.. seemed pretty accurate according to the scripture... the crow nipping at the one thief who would not repent aside. It is clear Jesus succumbed so quickly on the cross due to the torture inflicted upon him. I wish he showed more of the resurrection which is very brief.
Mary was strong... I thought her charcter perfect. As my wife said on the way home.. the way to avoid crying is not to look at it through Mary's eyes. This is true... one can only imagine what she went through.
The subtitles did not bother me or my family. It makes it more real.
Atmosphere Sunday morning was a good time to see the movie as the crowd was average size.. I did hear some crying and gasps.. etc.. but I did not cry, nor my wife, nor kids. I did not hear anything antisemitic said. The movie was powerful.. but I must say.. I was more shaken after seeing Saving Private Ryan.. which was very touching and violent at the same time. SPR still remains the movie that upon seeing it the first time in a theater affected most... Passion is second. I needed down time and in fact have actually slept until posting this... and I saw it this morning. If I had to describe in 3 words it would be Powerful, Gripping, and Grotesque. I was not stuck in my seat after the movie as I've heard others report.. quite the opposite.. I wanted out to smoke a cig the second I saw the words.
I did like the movie. For agnostics and other faiths.. I can see why they would leave the theater feeling like they just watched a two hour senseless torture session. For Jews I can see why some may feel slighted. If I were Italian I may also had some offense as well. For Christians, it makes you realize what Jesus went through for all of us and you leave the theater silently thanking him and with a better understanding of his love. Thats how I see it anyway.
I would give it 4 out of 5 stars and if I could I would thank Mel Gibson for making it, I would. He has a well rounded biblical vision.. I hope he puts that vision to good use on some less than violent parts of Jesus' life or other biblical stories. If he does, I will be there money in hand.