If you were king/queen of the world, what previously verboten thing would you allow?
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Mon Dec-01-08 11:17 AM
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If you were king/queen of the world, what previously verboten thing would you allow? |
For me, it would be use of the word "irregardless"--it has a very nice flow to it, much, much better than "regardless" or "irrespective"--and dividing by zero. Want to divide by zero? I say go to town.
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Mon Dec-01-08 11:21 AM
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1. I would allow any females who wished to go topless. |
I do suspect, however, that the sight of so many boobies hanging down to a person's belly button would end the male fascination with big garbanzos once and for all.
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Mon Dec-01-08 11:25 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
It's a win-win. Guys get to see boobies more often, so they'd be happier... and young women would get to see REAL boobies more often, so they'd be less stressed about their non-perfect ones.
Dr. Strange
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Mon Dec-01-08 12:09 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
11. ALLOW? Hell, I'd mandate it! |
Or womandate it. Or whatever the appropriate term is.
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Mon Dec-01-08 11:21 AM
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Edited on Mon Dec-01-08 11:22 AM by Rambis
anyone using "irregardless":evilgrin:
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Mon Dec-01-08 11:22 AM
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Might as well accept "nukeyooler" :puke:
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Mon Dec-01-08 11:23 AM
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4. Irregardless of you're position on the matter, for all intensive purposes I will continue to use it. |
All of the sudden, that became very clear to me.
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Mon Dec-01-08 11:30 AM
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Mon Dec-01-08 11:56 AM
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Fuck it, let's go all out!!!!!! No mamby pamby "irregardless" stuff. Think big!!! :)
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Mon Dec-01-08 11:58 AM
Response to Reply #7 |
8. Isn't that alreadly legal in California? |
I read something about that being the case....:popcorn:
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Mon Dec-01-08 12:03 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
9. There's no telling with those wacky left coasters. |
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Mon Dec-01-08 12:04 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
10. It's called 'population control' |
Edited on Mon Dec-01-08 12:04 PM by Symarip
At least CA is taking an active role instead of sitting in the back seat waiting for other states to eat them.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 02:44 PM
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