Edited on Mon Mar-01-04 01:24 AM by pstokely
here's a preview
Talk Radio: A growing alternative to the traditional media Talk radio has grown rapidly over the past 15 years. More American’s are beginning to rely on talk radio as their primary news source. Talk radio has revived the AM radio band. The influence of talk radio has grown. Talk radio is credited with helping the Republican party take control of congress in 1994 for the first time in 40 years. National syndicated talk radio hosts include Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Howard Stren, Bill O’Reily, and Dr. Laura. Most talk radio hosts are unapologetic conservatives. They complain about bias in the media (other than talk radio) and the “elites” who run it. They complain about Hollywood and liberal celebrities and call them (or anyone else who does not agree with them) traitors, America haters, or un-American. They call civil liberties groups like the ACLU un-American. Not a day goes by where they will not blame former President Bill Clinton or his wife New York Senator Hillary Clinton for something. Most talk radio hosts have call screeners to insure only callers agreeing with them will get on the air. They claim they allow opposing views to be heard on their shows though many callers with opposing views have reporting being muted after only a few seconds on the air. In November of 2002, A caller to Rush Limbaugh’s talk show after getting past his call screeners reported being muted after confronting Limbaugh about him dodging the Vietnam draft after.
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