Crazy In Alabama is a fantastically rich story- several stories, in fact, all about true justice in one form or another. Set in a small pre-integration Alabama town, a family struggles with a relative (Melanie Griffith) who has killed her husband and run off to Hollywood to be on Bewitched, all the while carrying her husband's head in a specially bought hatbox. The young hero, 13 year old Peejo (Peter Joseph, played to perfection by Lucas Black) shows fantastic courage and a willingness to fight racism and a corrupt sheriff.
My favorite moment in the movie is when Peejo shakes hands with Martin Luther King, as Rev. King visits the town after an ugly race riot that got documented in LOOK Magazine, with Peejo's picture on the cover.
If you've never watched it, look for it. It's a rare treat, and it covers one heck of a lot of territory. If you've seen it, now is an extremely good time to revisit it. With race and equality again in the nation's eye, Crazy In Alabama would be an excellent movie to watch with your entire family.