Edited on Mon Mar-01-04 10:10 AM by Bertha Venation
That's right, it's fouled up beyond all redemption.
Our doctor retired and sent all of her patients and their charts to another doctor, which is fine for those who can get to Fairfax, VA, without an hour and a half in traffic (one way).
I called the new doc's office today to request our charts, and learned what I have to do to get copies:
Using U.S. mail, send in separate letters our names, DOBs, a phone number where we can be reached, and how far back we want them to go. There is a $10 "research and handling" fee, and they're charging fifty cents per page.
I asked why, since our doc has retired, we can't just pick up our original charts. I was told "because Dr. So-and-So has agreed to be the custodian of these records and she has to retain them for seven years." When I explained that our charts would go directly to our new doctor who would keep them just as Dr. So-and-So would, I was basically told, "tough."
If anyone can shed light on how the administrative side of the medical profession works, I'd be grateful. I don't want to spend the day wondering if I should sue for our original charts -- especially Mrs. V.'s, who saw this doctor for over 20 years.