The power company came by to turn us off for having a delinquent account. I pay every month, but I just can't afford to pay the whole bill off at once. I send them 100.00 a month all winter with my LEAP payments. Then I pay 100.00 am month all summer that usually gets me caught up mid season. I have been doing this for 15 years!Good thing I got paid that day and was able to keep my power on.
The problem is, my roomie is very sick and he has poor circulation, so he gets cold easy. That means we have to turn the heat up. Before,when I was living with myself, I just wore sweaters and alike and kept the furnace turned down. I don't want to be a dick and tell him to put on a sweater. I swore to myself that I would never be that person.
He decorated his room with multiple strands of party lights (christmas lights) and THAT is sucking a lot of power. My roomie seems to really enjoy his lights and he keeps them on all the time, even when he is sleeping. He has so few joys in his life that I don't want to take that from him either.
Thus, I have a 300.00 dollar power bill.
It sure is expensive being a nice guy.