Edited on Fri Dec-05-08 08:06 PM by KamaAina
except the contestants eat McDonald's hamburgers. :P
Actually the MAC is the Mid-American Conference, like the Big East or Big Ten but not as prestigious. While you weren't looking, UB begat a (sort of) big-time football program. It is divided into East and West divisions; the two division winners, UB and Ball State, are playing for the championship.
A UB upset here would accomplish three things: a) give a big boost to coach Turner Gill, one of four African American coaches out of 120 programs overall, b) kick Ball State in the pants after they declined a chance to play Boise State (also undefeated) in a bowl game because it would have been in Boise (Humanitarian Bowl, famous for its blue "Smurf Turf".) and, of course, c) give sports-obsessed Buffalonians (see under Russert, Tim et al.) something to cheer about.
edit: and