You may remember a few weeks ago I offered to you RabrrrrrrKid's letter to Santa, which he wrote with a Bel Age Platinum with music nib using black ink, writing in a flowing italic script in approximately 12-point size, and that, being formal international correspondence, of course he wrote it in French, which I translated for you. Well, he has updated his letter (written the same way, of course), and I translate it here below, which I do not so much to brag and force you into the awareness of how woefully inadequate your children are, but merely to show how proud I am of this wonderful child, not only for his zealous determination and ambition, but for his clarity on the true meaning of Christmas, a clarity which, I find to my dismay, the vast majority of humanity utterly fails to grasp:
Dear Santa,
In re: my written correspondence to you of November 18, 2008, in which I delineated my Christmas "wish list", I must humbly apologize for, though I do not wish to appear that I view Christmas purely as a time to be a recipient of the largess and goodwill of others, still, I failed to list one item which, in retrospect, I feel is essential and, though I should be willing to accept responsibility for my own failure of accidentally excluding it from my initial list, I pray your compassion and so send you, relying on your loving and forgiving nature, this proper list which is not so much updated as it is complete, me having failed the first time to include that one essential item, and not, as perhaps some of the lesser beings of planet so often do, merely adding to an already existing list an item only later thought of.
And so, without further testing and pushing the bounds of your always-appreciated and quite impressive patience, here is the list, with the previously forgotten item asterisked:
Limitless capacity to hate Power over death Power of death Undying obedience of the proletariat (devotion irrelevant) A military sufficient to subdue to the largest nations on earth Sufficient funding for above *For all human and animal things to look upon me and know only infinite fear and dread Immunity from all human laws, as they are contrived by the weak for the weak A battalion of construction workers who shall make for me a palace of my design Sufficient funding for the above palace, circa US$80 billion Staff Barn Animal See and Say (Latvian version) Wealth beyond the dreams of avarice Rage to fuel my endless ambition for countless eternities
In loving sincerity, and again in a great sense of humble awareness of my errancy in sending you the previous "wish list" without due diligence of sufficient proofreading, RabrrrrrrKid