Not regular nightmares, something more intense. For me, the general pattern is, the dream is always set in my bedroom (though usually distorted in some way), and there's an evil, generally undefined presence trying to "get" me. The worst part is the physical aspect; you could really swear that you're awake, and your heart rate increases like crazy. Usually I can feel myself lifting off the bed, or running around the apartment trying to get away from whatever the presence is. I've noticed, too, that sometimes there is an aural component; I can hear a dull moan/hum, accompanied by knocking sounds, at the onset.
Does anyone else suffer these, and if so, do your symptoms differ at all from mine? How do you deal with them? Lately I've found that, if some part of my subconscious can realize what's going on, I can will myself awake before it totally kicks in.