Edited on Mon Dec-08-08 12:25 PM by insanity
First, make sure it isn't a problem that can't be fixed by a simply holding reset for like 20 seconds. If not:
1. Download the firmware for your router- should be a .bin file (or, if you prefer, download the correct firmware DD-WRT for free) Save it in the C: drive with a name like firmware
2. Plug your Ethernet jack into the router, but leave it unplugged from the wall
3. open up two command prompts (start--->run 'cmd')
4. in the first type ping -t (or whatever the default address is) hit enter, it should show that it is refused
5. in the second make sure you're at destination c: and then type tftp -i PUT firmware.bin DO NOT HIT ENTER yet
6. Plug your router in and watch the ping window, when it first shows a connection hit enter in the tftp window.
7. Wait for the new firmware to flash, your router should appear to not ping for a bit, then once it starts pinging again, your router should be flashed.