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My temp drivers license (Stupid Bureaucrat Tricks)

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SoxFan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-08 05:57 PM
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My temp drivers license (Stupid Bureaucrat Tricks)
I went to the motor vehicles office and got a temporary license to replace the one that was stolen along with my wallet last week.

Some genius in the department decided to crack down on people using bogus addreses (apparently this is a problem, with MA and CT residents trying to scam lower car insurance rates). Instead of giving you a normal license, they wait a month, but in the interim, you use a temp version.

I've received higher quality material out of gumball machines.

It's black and white, smudgy, looks like it was printed on a cheap inkjet, and covered in a flimsy layer of laminate.

I thank God that I am not traveling to Jax, NOLA, or Iowa to visit the in-laws this Christmas. Something tells me that the TSA agents would have a few questions about this thing.
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CaliforniaPeggy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-08 06:05 PM
Response to Original message
1. My dear BlueDogDem...
Oh, I'm sorry...

Insult to injury, huh?

Hope the month till you get your new one flies by, sweetie...

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SoxFan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-08 06:13 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Oh, Peggy, you don't know the half of it!
This is the same DMV that, in 2002, produced these cheesy license plates for the NH House, Senate, Governor, and Council that looked like something you would win as a prize at the county fair. All that was missing was an airbrushed Elvis with an eagle on his shoulder.

The reason? The supervisors at the prison workshop that usually prints the plates used up the higher quality material making their own unofficial Patriots Super Bowl license plates.

And the DMV director still has a job!

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Chan790 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-08-08 06:13 PM
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2. The worst part of that...
is that anybody with even 1/4 a brain running a home-address scam on their car insurance is going to use a Maine address because the rates are some of the lowest in America...and Maine doesn't care because they want the car-tax revenues.
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