.. . . . Just trying to think like they think. If Christmas is about Jesus, then communicating with other people through the mail is not about sending Happy Holidays cards, but to spread the word about Jesus.
It seems kinda weird to me too that they would do this; it's pretty hard-core. But I don't think being insulted by every mention of religion through the "Holiday Season" (the generic version, of course!) makes any more sense than being upset that everything about this shopping season is about -- shopping. Spending. Being joyful about the "happy holidays' that don't mean anything religious to anybody except in the confines of a church or the sanctity of your own home.
Here's what I would do, if I was so MOVED by the event as you are. I would write back, with or without my order, and tell them, no, I am not ready to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Then I would ask them if they are willing to accept Yahweh as their personal Lord and Savior. Or Lucifer. Or the Jolly Green Giant. And let them know they are doomed if they don't.
People of certain various religious persuasions are indoctrinated into the the idea that they Must Go Forth and Save Souls(!) and maybe especially during this time of the year.
People can express their religious persuasion, they can express who they thought should have been elected, they can profess that eating lutefisk for breakfast is the way to eternal salvation, why is it so insulting that people want to express things that other people disagree with?
What does Noel mean? Is it a religious expression? Just an honest unrelated question . . . . from contemplating my dishtowel whichh says, "Noel" -- "Merry, Merry" -- "Season's Greetings" -- "Joy to the World" -- "Joy . . . Peace" -- and, just "Greetings"
Is my dishtowel offensive? Should it offend me that it carries a religious message? Or should it offend me that it doesn't? It doesn't DARE use the term "Merry Christmas," or even, "Christmas."
I have here a very politically-correct dish towel. And now that I gaze upon it, I find it to be horribly offensive to my non-religious but meaningful sentimental seasonal sensitivities.
I have what you'd call a bad case of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
And I sound like a dingbat tonite and I don't care. I was 'bout falling asleep in my chair a half hour ago and should really just go to bed early tonite.