The Photo:
The winner:
“Because Secretary Paulson had struggled in previous attempts to explain what the big banks and brokerage houses had done to the U.S. economy, his staff prepared a visual aid that told the story in clear and graphic terms.”
some others:
-- “What the government does not want you to know about Area 52.”
-- “Experience the eHarmony difference.”
-- “What happens in the desert outside of Vegas stays in the desert outside of Vegas.”
-- “In retrospect, Marlene agreed she should have given the Wienermobile GPS a more specific destination than ‘Nebraska Caverns.’"
-- “Unfortunately, Oscar Meyer's windshield wiper development team would be less confident after the test.”
-- “The resulting carnage and lawsuits would bankrupt Monsanto within the year.”
-- "Unfamiliar with the new methane-powered Wienermobile, Jennifer was unsure where to insert the gas line."
-- "One of many rejected 'Lexus December to Remember Event' commercials."
-- “Vote Larry Craig!”