My 11 year old cousin is going into foster care soon.
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:31 AM
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My 11 year old cousin is going into foster care soon. |
My cousin timmy is about to turn 11 and child services are about to take him away from his mom. His mom has been doing heavy drugs for many years and has not lived in a stable home for a few years and when she started seeing this guy named joy he beat her and timmy. Well my mom found out about it a month ago and called Child Services. She did not want to call but could not stand seeing him getting beat so in a few days his mom has to go see CS and have ten people tell them she is a good mom and she is not going to do that. I don't want to see my cousin taken away but he needs to be someplace safe. So please pray for our family.
malta blue
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:33 AM
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I don't mean to be presumptive, but isn't there any way your mom could take him in?
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:37 AM
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3. No we don't have any room. |
Edited on Thu Dec-11-08 09:39 AM by ccharles000
I wish we could but we have 5 people living here already. : (
malta blue
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:47 AM
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(((vibes))) for your little cousin.
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:35 AM
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2. I'll be thinking of your family, charles. |
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:42 AM
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His mom had many chances to keep him but she could not stay off the crack and meth to care. :hug:
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:44 AM
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5. If it is any consolation, your mom did the exact right thing.... |
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Thu Dec-11-08 09:55 AM
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7. I keep telling her she did the right thing |
but she keeps crying and says she feels guilty.
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Thu Dec-11-08 11:16 AM
Response to Reply #7 |
9. She'd feel even guiltier if she hadn't done anything and your cousin had been hurt bad/killed. |
I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
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Thu Dec-11-08 10:08 AM
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8. I used to work in CS Charles, mother may have saved his life. This |
is sad, hopefully the foster home will be a good place for him. Many good wishes for you and yours.
Shell Beau
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Thu Dec-11-08 11:19 AM
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I hope his mom to get a hold of her addiction for her sake but especially for his.
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Thu Dec-11-08 11:22 AM
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11. Your mom did the right thing. |
It's hard when it's family because the guilt can really get to you, but it's all about the safety of the child.
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Thu Dec-11-08 12:26 PM
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12. as a relative, you can request visits with him |
as a foster mom, I highly recommend it. he will get visits with his mum, but knowing his extended family cares will really help him stay strong.
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Thu Dec-11-08 07:34 PM
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13. Vibes to your cousin. |
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Thu Dec-11-08 07:35 PM
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Thu Dec-11-08 07:45 PM
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Deja Q
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Thu Dec-11-08 07:50 PM
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16. Vibes to you and your family |
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Thu Dec-11-08 07:52 PM
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17. You can have all the prayers you want *hugs, prayers, and good vibes* |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 02:44 PM
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