Thought I would share... - Jonathon Ray of Blue Dot Auctions & Estates has an alternative to offer holiday shoppers who are tired of the mall crowds but want to shop locally for a unique gift.
Ray's Park Street shop is as unlike a mall store as it comes. Arranged on an art gallery model, the space displays antique and vintage Christmas items in recessed wall spaces, glass display cases and on a mammoth Christmas tree itself.
"We (he and his wife, Debbie Lusignan) just started this approach six months ago. We'd seen it successful in the City, and thought it could be successful here," he said. "The response has been awesome on both ends - the buying end and people just dropping things off to say 'Try (to sell) this for me.'"
The shop houses consigned items, like carefully selected pieces of furniture.
"We always have a few exquisite pieces," he said. But the Christmas items, he said, are from his and his wife's collections. They include toys and dolls from the 1920s forward, new vintage Christmas cards, antique ornaments, particularly from Poland, and Christmas-themed books, among other items.
For example, Ray has a collection of Disney Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs papier-mache candy containers from 1939, which is priced at $850. The pristine condition of such old and fragile items is astounding.
Ornaments from the early 20th century, many made of mercury glass, are displayed in a glass case next to Snow White