My Christmas lights are up. I have red mini lights on my shrubbery, and white
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Sat Dec-13-08 11:47 PM
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My Christmas lights are up. I have red mini lights on my shrubbery, and white |
twisted light garlands around the front entrance. There is also a nicely lit wreath in my outside entry.
Last year we acqured several boxes of large globe shaped Christmas lights in multi colors. They are pretty but I don't want to mess with the neat red/white thing I have going. Maybe I will string them up on the back porch for the enjoyment of the neighbors behind me.
My wreath is a new one this year. I found this cool garland made of red, gold and white beads randomly strung on fishing line. I arranged two strands of it on the wreath, which already had a big string of white lights on it, and made a very pretty red bow. Looks good.
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