$400 later, my Lolly dog will be okay.
Shell Beau
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Tue Dec-16-08 12:34 PM
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$400 later, my Lolly dog will be okay. |
Edited on Tue Dec-16-08 12:35 PM by Shell Beau
She had a GI infection and was pretty dehydrated. Apparently along with the bloody poo, she was also vomiting a lot. She must have done that outside because I saw none. Part of the $400 was also vaccinations (got those out of the way) and a valium shot for the way home. Poor dog is psycho in a car. I was wondering what I was going to do with all that extra cash I had :eyes:! But as long as she is all good!
Thanks everyone for the info y'all gave me and for Lolly vibes!
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Tue Dec-16-08 12:39 PM
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1. Glad she will be all right. |
Ouch on the vet bill, but money certainly well spent.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 02:49 PM
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