A while back I posted a message about Toeby, our newest adoptee and how one of our other cats wasn't getting along. I got some great advice and now, even if they don't play together, they respect one another.
That moves us onto the new problem. Bailey is a beagle/lab mix. He's a good boy...mostly. Likes to snuggle in the bed and when it's cold he likes to get under the covers with us. (Never said he was normal, just good.)
Well Bailey gets along great with Cider and Dot. They roam the house and pay him little attention, though they might rub up against him every now and then. And he enjoys it.
Toeby is another issue entirely. Before Toeby came into the house Bailey had a thing for Star, our other cat. If Star so much as stepped off the cat tree Bailey would start barking at her. We kept the kitchen separated by a gate and it worked out well. If we went to take him out he might try to sniff at Star but mostly just a lot of (loud) barking.
Then came Toeby.
Bailey wants to see the cat up close. Toeby wants none of it and runs if Bailey gets anywhere near. Which sets him off to barking even more. If Bailey knows Toeby is out and he's kept locked out of the kitchen he'll bark and whine at the gate and Toeby will go running into the bathroom. Sadie and Heidi don't care about Toeby. Just another in the family as far as they're concerned.
So the obvious question is how do we get Bailey to calm down enough that Toeby won't be freaked when trying to explore the house? We've tried holding him back and letting the two of them come together slowly but Bailey pulls and whines and barks and Toeby just hides.
Help restore family harmony and I'll love you forever.