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Hef: "Within 2 weeks, a pair of twins arrived & turned out they were interested in being my GFs"

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Bucky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 05:02 PM
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Hef: "Within 2 weeks, a pair of twins arrived & turned out they were interested in being my GFs"
Edited on Tue Dec-16-08 05:02 PM by Bucky
I was going to call this the Hugh Hefner quote of the week, except I don't quote Hef every week. In fact, I doubt I quote him even once a year. I'm not sure I've ever quoted Hef until now. But here it is, in one article a full lifetime's supply of quotable wisdom...

Hugh Hefner: "I Almost Swallowed A Sex Toy"

Hefner admits to Lopez that he was heartbroken over his split with longtime girlfriend, Holly Madison saying, "I was blindsided by the breakup...But Holly was looking for something more that I couldn't give her...
vomit-free sex?

"... She was looking for marriage and children." But Hefner wasn't lonely for long. He adds, "Within two weeks, a pair of twins arrived and turned out they were interested in being my girlfriends...Several girlfriends are easier to handle than one wife."
Of course with Hefner saying "a pair of twins", the question naturally arises if he means two women or two sets of twins

Hefner's new autobiography, Mr. Playboy, takes an inside look at his life filled with luxury, women and sex. When asked about the book's most shocking revelation, Hefner responds, "Probably an incident that occurred back in the late seventies where I almost swallowed a sex toy."
Second shocker: that time in high school when I read one of the articles.
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Drunken Irishman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-08 05:34 PM
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1. Hef is my Hefro!
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