It was waiting room hell. One woman had back pain so badly she had to sit on the floor (how that helped her, I have no idea!). She said they "worked her in"... of course, as bad luck would have it, with my physician. And, yep, she got in to see the doc a half hour into what was supposed to be my appt. time. Sigh. This gave me mixed feelings, because I knew she was in very bad pain. What aggravated me, really, was that the appointment setter called me yesterday and asked if I could change my appointment from 4:15 to 1:00 pm. Oh, it gets better... two more people came in and they ALSO had an appointment for my doctor (same time as mine). THEN... then a woman came into the waiting from crying and hunched over. SHE had worse pain than the others "worked in". But, as fate would have it, she had to wait while I was called. I told the nurse they needed to check on her & maybe give her something for her pain, at least. When I got into the little examination room I started to feel the weight of all the pain in there and just started to cry. This made my husband angry. I should have let that woman go before me... but I was worried because my husband was supposed to be back at work, too.
A 1pm. appointment ended up being a 2:59pm appointment. Well, at least I know my doctor is popular!
Now I'm hoping my husband doesn't lose his job from all the time he missed work this week-- since he insisted on going to every appointment I had. AND, I am wondering more & more about our mismanaged health care system. Since when is it acceptable to disrupt a patient's life like this? Even if it is a very good doctor? Why is an M.D.'s time more valuable than ours?! This is the second time this has happened at this doctor's office, btw.
What should have been a sunny, glorious, warm day in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area ended-up feeling crappy to me. :-( It was almost rush hour by the time I drove back home... and too late to ride my motorcycle. And I really, really needed a nice ride.
Thank you for allowing me to vent... and ramble.