Next door to my shop is a house that's a rental. In the last year there have been three families in it because the landlord keeps evicting his tenants for nonpayment of rent. The last tenant left his dog there.
This afternoon, my boss told me he just noticed the dog over there, and would I please go over and get it? I did so.
It's a largish black dog, looks like either a Lab or a dog containing a lot of Lab. Nice enough, although you can see about half his bones through his skin. Apparently, right before he sent me to get the dog he called his wife and asked her to go to the store for dog food. She came in with a 25-pound bag of Purina Dog Chow, a dog bed and a couple of bowls. I think we're going to turn him into the shop dog. She's going to take him to the vet tomorrow to get him checked out.
The reason we're going to strangle this fucking dog is that after he ran all over the shop, marked his territory by peeing on the boss's pig cooker and crapped in the corner, he walked right over to a panel for the job we're currently working on, plunked right down in the middle of it and fell asleep. We ever so gently removed the dog from the panel and placed it on the nice new fluffy dog bed. He got up, walked back to the panel and fell asleep on it.
He WILL be a nice dog, if we don't kill him first.