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And now, an internet SALUTE! to Mike Wilson!!

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Robb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 05:43 PM
Original message
And now, an internet SALUTE! to Mike Wilson!!
To Mike Wilson. :patriot:

Who, you ask?

None other than the guy on the Continental flight that skidded off the runway in Denver, who, in perhaps the most terrifying moment of his life, managed to remember to utilize the internet's most annoying communication method to keep friends updated:

He Tweeted. During a plane crash.

Which gives him two historical firsts:

1) His message, “I wasbjust in a plane crash!” made him the first person ever to tweet from a crashing plane.

2) That message was also the first interesting thing ever posted to Twitter.

That said, he followed it up with "updates included his glasses falling off as he left the plane, an observation that perhaps he should take the bus in future, a picture from the scene and then grumbles that Continental were not serving passengers drinks after they left the plane." Remembering what Twitter is really for.

Annoying the hell out of you.

So here's a toast :toast: to Mike Wilson.

Ya douche. :D
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CreekDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 06:26 PM
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1. he made a typo
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motely36 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-22-08 06:51 PM
Response to Original message
2. wtf is tweeting?
is this like ghost kicking :shrug:
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