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Christmas Trees

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mykpart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-08 02:23 AM
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Christmas Trees
Why is it on TV and in movies nobody puts up their Christmas trees until Christmas Eve? I don't know anyone in real life who does this.

What's your feeling on tinsel garland? I hate it, my husband loves it.

Tinsel icicles are awful!

Do you like your ornaments all mostly one size, or do you do assorted sizes?

Colored lights or all white? Or all another color?

What is your feeling on white or other-than-green Christmas trees?
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orleans Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-08 03:10 AM
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1. the first year we had a white tree
i had mini multi-colored lights (on white wire)and clear ornaments (clear fairies mostly). it looked really cool--i called it my optical illusion tree because you could only see the fairy ornaments if you were close to the tree. it looked wonderful--like a sugar coated candy tree.

i did that for a couple years and had my mother & daughter complaining that i wasn't using all the other ornaments we have. so then i put up pink ornaments with the clear fairies. more complaints.

now i use the ornaments we collected through the years--not the glass ball solid color, but the special 3D "toyish" ornaments (we have a purple castle, elves on swings, a copper cauldron, tiny christmas houses, a couple miniature books, wolf, a couple baby's first christmas ones, etc.)

no tinsel or garland.

i stopped buying "real" trees when i got algae in the water one year and could hardly wait to get the thing down and i remember throwing the water and the stand out in the snow--i was so mad about the smell of the algae. (usually i leave the tree up till the end of january, but not that year.)

i was late putting it up this year--i just did it saturday night.
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Connonym Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-08 06:07 AM
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2. for me...
I think all tinsel is gross. I like strings of beads (I have red and gold) or ribbons. My ornaments are all different sizes -- from childhood my mom always gave an ornament each Xmas so I've got the gamut. I think white lights look pretty but I use colored lights because my kids like it better (but maybe next year I'll get my way...). Trees gotta be green! I have to use fake because of allergy but I think it should look like a real tree.
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AirmensMom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-08 07:39 AM
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3. We usually put ours up on Thanksgiving day or right after.
I was a little late this year because I didn't feel like doing the holidays at all. But harleydad made me put up one tree (we have 2). No tinsel, though. We have kitties and tinsel is very dangerous for them.

All white lights, assorted ornaments, green tree. And I use the wired decorating ribbon on my packages -- it's reusable and beautiful and dirt cheap after the holidays. Looks fabulous, too! And the kitties are less likely to eat it. I don't use curling ribbon because of them. Oh, but you didn't ask about ribbon, did you? :blush:

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BOSSHOG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-23-08 08:01 AM
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4. We have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree this year
16 inches tall. One red ornament on it. Two small stockings (for my wife and I.) A string of blue and silver christmas beads around the base and one Pink Flamingo Elf ornament standing in front. Very low maintenance. We also have three different kinds of Christmas trees in the attic and thats where they will stay this year.
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