Here's a toast to Leonard Cohen, one of my all-time favorite artists:

This picture is of Leonard performing at the Montreux Jazz Festival this summer. Yes, he had to back to work at age 71 because his manager cheated him out of $5 million he'd saved for retirement.
For the younger people at DU who might not know who Leonard is, think "Sopranos." Leonard's was the voice on the theme song.
Back at the time Leonard was defrauded, I felt terrible about it and was reading all I could find. Someone in Canada posted that she frequently saw Leonard around the 'hood. She said he was driving an old beat-up Toyota and that his spirits seemed up. At least the latter part made me happy because this artist was known for his bouts with depression. He had spent five years in a Buddhist monastery prior to getting his money stolen. Some attribute his ability to weather this storm to his time in the monastery. If so, it was five years well spent.
Leonard sued and won but it looks like he'll never collect because the manager, Kelly Lynch, refuses to hand over her financial records (note to Madoff: Just say "no.")
This year many people who thought they were retired will be looking at going back to work. While most of them will not be returning to a career like Leonard's, at least we can look to him and see that it can be done.
The other side of the coin is that work, provided it suits one's talents and abilities, can bring tremendous meaning to life.
Here's to you, Leonard. May you inspire others who find themselves in your situation.

p.s. for more pics of Leonard at the jazz festival, see: