As some of you know, in a previous thread, I requested suggestions for an informative speech topic.
My initial feeling was to do one on our Great and Moral Leader who did not go AWOL.
I intended to focus on the facts: Harken, Arbusto, sweetheart baseball deals, executions, drinking, etc. I even planned to open with the "Fool me once" quote.
I have changed my mind. I will not make this a political speech. I am saving that for the last speech - the persuasive speech. Then I will really go to town.
For the time being, I want to keep it light and humorous. Then I can go for the jugular with the last speech; they will never know what hit 'em.
Anyways. I have decided. My informative speech will be about Saturday Night Live. Who knows, maybe I can drop a couple of Franken jokes in there...