Edited on Wed Dec-24-08 01:21 PM by HEyHEY
I am, you sons of bitches!
HEyHEY (1000+ posts) Wed Dec-24-08 06:19 PM Original message In the spirit of festivus, here's all the ways DUers have dissapointed me in the last year.... Advertisements 1; To begin, the acrimony and hatred of each other has been quite a downer during the primaries. It seemed that even though people were on the same team they were all beating the crap out of each other in the locker room.
2; The decision by many to accept turning their backs on gay and lesbian people. It has always been a major issue here, thus thrusting DU further to the right. Lately, it's even worse with people asking we accept some prick's invitation to legitamize his hatred by offering him a pearl of a public appearence.
3; When trying to talk about a major political crisis in Canada, some people gave me shit for "wasting bandwidth." Thus enforcing the stereotype of the ugly (And ignorant) American.
4; It seems it's still okay to kick around the mentally ill on DU. People make comments like "Are you off your meds."
5; People here don't seem to give a shit about the homeless the way they should. But considering numer 4 it makes sense.