So, how weird is this? Some time last month, my first girlfiend, from when I was 16, stopped by my parents house and left a note with her phone number on it, and told me dad to have me call her. Well, I didn't want to make a potentially long international call, so I waited until I was back in town this week to call her. I guess she's in town again now, also visiting her parents for Christmas, and we're going to go out tonight. I wasn't sure if I would even call her, but I called her a few days ago, and we had a really nice conversation. She's a nurse (a job where you actually help people - as good as it gets), owns a house, is a mom, a democrat, and is still downright sweet and charming.
I hadn't even had so much as a conversation with her in 9 years, and not really in like 13 years. I was afraid that if we did meet up, it would be super awkward, and I wouldn't want to do it. Instead, I'm really kind of excited. She left me a voice mail today saying that she'd "love to go get a drink" with me tonight. How nice is that?
blarghh.... I needed this.