I will confess, back when I was employed, to two somewhat expensive habits. First, I had a nasty little Amazon addiction -- it's so easy to buy a book with one-click, and I had an Amazon Prime subscription which meant free two-day shipping. So, BOOM, you order the book or DVD and it's at your door almost instantly. I was probably blowing about $50 a month (or MORE!) on Amazon. Second, I had the "three DVD" Netflix plan, supplemented by trips to the local rental place. Now, Netflix isn't all that expensive but when you're me and you leave them sitting on your shelf more often than you watch them, it is. I always seemed to have this weird mismatch between what I THOUGHT I'd want to watch and what I ACTUALLY wanted to watch. It's like the Netflix-ordering me sitting in front of the computer wanted to get art films and explore the AFI top 100, but the Friday-night beer drinking me really wanted to watch something mindless or funny.
So -- I have replaced all of the above habits with (drumroll please) .... the library!
Folks, let me tell you, this is not your grandmother's library. I can get on their website and request any book in the system be sent to my local branch. They usually come in within the week. Also, if my city public library doesn't have the book, they have "Interlibrary Loan" on their website, and you can just request a book from some other library system. These also usually come in within the week, and the ones I've requested have tended to come from local universities. It really is just like Amazon, but slower. And you have to go to the library to get it. BUT, that can be combined with a trip to the grocery store. And it's all FREE.
As far as DVD's go, my local branch has a pretty decent selection, so I haven't seen if you can request them from other libraries in the system yet, but I would assume so. And, did I mention, it's FREE? I will confess that the new releases are pretty hard to get ahold of at the library (waiting list) so I do often go to my local Redbox for those -- a buck a night, can't beat that with a stick.
So anyway, there you go. Two little habits that I'm actually quite happy I broke! Folks, I highly recommend it -- your local library! Wheeee!