He was found, along with 5 others, under a porch of my gfriends home. She asked me if I wanted one, otherwise she would have taken them to the shelter. I said yes, as I already have 2 cats and a dog and parrot. I specified a male. Anyway, the little kitty was traumatized out in the cold, and is now on my warm front porch (it has 3 cat beds and a litter box for him out there and 2 bowls with food and water). My other cats are not allowed out there for now, until the little kitty gets used to my place. The other cats use the basement to go to their litter box, but this little guy is too small to go down the stairs so I will leave him on the porch for a few months to grow up a bit. He has been here one day, and I have been going out there and he is hiding, which is what little ones do until they feel safe. I am going to go out there every day for an hour or so and sit in my chair out there and paint like I always do, and occassionally leave him some tuna..until he gets used to me. That might take a while. When he does finally get used to me, I will let him meet the dog (who is little and sweet to cats) and the other cats. I think, however, he needs a little growing time. Maybe a couple months. Does this sound like a good plan? My other cats were never traumatized. This one was. I dont want to overwhelm him. all suggestions are appreciated.