I'm curious because I wanted to get Kid Rock's "Rock n Roll Jesus" and it's not there. I'm not a fan of his, but I've heard the song a lot recently and it grew on me, so I figured what the hell ... I'll get it from iTunes. Then I found out that he refuses to allow his songs to be sold on iTunes because he believes people should not be able to cherry-pick which songs they buy - if they want something, they should pay for the entire album.
I haven't heard of any other artist doing this! It seems counter-productive (or should I say "stupid") because if someone buys one or two of your songs, wouldn't they be more likely to be interested the next time you release an album? By denying sales, aren't you shutting out potential fans?
If I like a song, but I'm not really a fan of the artist or if I hear a song by a new artist, I'll go to iTunes to get it. However, before I buy it, I always listen to the 30 second clips of the other songs on the album. Very often, I end up buying more than one song, and sometimes I even buy the entire album ... even though I only intended to buy one song when I went to iTunes.
Yeah, I know ... Kid Rock's not exactly a genius, but why would you make it difficult for people to buy your music? I have no interest in buying his CD because I'm not really a fan, but I was ready to buy that song today and probably would have bought one or two of his other songs. So ... he doesn't get a CD sale and he doesn't even get a song sale. What did he gain? What an ass! :P