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Just got done watching the Halloween remake....piece of shit ( long rant ) long time coming

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TK421 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-03-09 10:32 PM
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Just got done watching the Halloween remake....piece of shit ( long rant ) long time coming
I saw it in the theater when it came out and I have some major problems with it....

1.) Michael Myers character was too talkative as a kid....he was supposed to be totally silent after the killing of his sister ( what boyfriend...what drunken father? not his real father, but...that loser his mother was dating or whatever....come on, Zombie..can't you do better than that? ). The kid was also whiny as hell, and there wasn't enough material that led up to why he was intent on killing, except that he tortured and killed his pets and assaulted and killed a school bully in the woods. He had a dysfunctional home life, but nothing so bad as to feed his urge to slaughter things in cold blood.

2.) Malcolm McDowells's character as Dr.Loomis- I love Malcolm McDowell in just about everything he has done, but it seems to me that Rob Zombie gave him a call one day, knowing he wasn't working on any major projects at the time and asked him if he would be willing...Malcolm said "yes" to this piece of garbage...the rest is history, I suppose. could you?!

3.) Laurie Strodes character- OK, OK....I know people are going to tell me that Rob Zombie edged away from the original sketch and instead portrayed Laurie as some kind of promiscuous, obnoxious teen..instead of the shy, vulnerable character masterfully portrayed by Jamie Lee Curtis ( lick,lick ). What most people don't realize ( probably because some have never even seen or studied the original Halloween ) was that the shy, vulnerable character actually helps the progression of the storyline and makes for a more suspenseful and edge-of-your-seat kind of entertainment that seems to be absent from movies today.....oh..who am I kidding? everyones a slut now! It's fashionable, baby!!!

4.) Lauries friends Annie and I REALLY need to get into this? Do I?
All you need to know is this......P.J Soles....and man, did I ever want to get into that!!!!

What a wasted $9.00....I'm glad I didn't buy anything from concessions.....the theater didn't deserve another dime allowing that piece of shit on their screen.

I appreciate anyone elses opinion on this "remake"....all Hollywood has nowadays are "remakes"

Nothing original, just "remake" the classics...the masterpieces...asswipes
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