(Back story
Part I,
Part II,
Part III,
Part IV,
Part V)
So my landlord was very nice to My Psycho Roommate (MPR) and gave her until noon today to move out, so she didn't have to move over a holiday. To be clear: landlord gave her 45 days notice that her lease would not be renewed. MPR moved all her furniture out on Saturday and it looked like I was getting my life back. Of course by 11pm last night I started wondering just when she was going to actually leave, since she still has boatloads of shit here. Clothes everywhere, papers everywhere, dirty dishes in the sink, rotting food in the fridge--you get the picture. I called the landlord last night (I assume MPR was at work) to double check that MPR knew today was her last day. Landlord confirmed MPR tried to tell her yesterday that she had until midnight to clear out but landlord reiterated that MPR signed an agreement that she would be out by noon or she'd be charged $50/day, retroactive to January 1 since her actual lease expired at midnight, December 31. MPR told landlord she didn't have a copy of that, but knowing my landlord, that's about impossible as she's very anal retentive about making sure all landlord-tenant agreements have the t's crossed and i's dotted and everyone has copies of everything.
So today I get up around 9:30, and MPR is gone. Of course her shit is still everywhere. I'm thinking maybe she's moving some stuff to her new place, since she has to be out by noon. I wait around until about 10:30 before I take her 47 bottles of personal care products out of the shower so I can wash it down and take my shower in a clean tub for the first time in months. (I had to start taking my shampoo and soap out of the shower every time I washed up because she was using my products and moving them around so they wouldn't be available when I needed them. But if I so much as touched her stuff, she absolutely lost it on me. Freak.) I packed her stuff into two boxes and left them outside the bathroom door. I finished cleaning the tub and got done with my shower about 11:15. Around 11:30, my landlord's father comes over to see how her move is going. He's a former cop and does not like MPR. He sees the boxes I've packed of her stuff, he sees her shit still lying all over the place, he sees she's MIA and only has a half hour to get out. He leaves to run an errand then return at 12:06. Still no sign of MPR.
Delighted that MPR will be shelling out $250 due to her own stupidity, I assume she's at work, that I'm safe until maybe 4pm when her shift would be over, and take my dog for a walk. While out on the walk, I get a phone call from MPR. "You can't move my stuff, I have until midnight to be out of here!" she screams at me. "No," I tell her, "you had until noon and just lost $250, Idiot." She starts screaming incoherently and I hang up on her. Call the landlord and give her a report. A few minutes later MPR texts me demanding to know what I did with her other bottle of conditioner. (That would be what bottle out of the 47 I packed?:eyes:) I text her back saying that everything that had been in the bathroom was in those boxes, unless it was empty, then it was in the recycle bin.
I come home from dog walking and find MPR is mia again. However, she's left me a snotty note that says, "
You can't make this happen any sooner than it is. So take your pill and
chill out. You can do whatever you want in the house tomorrow. Till {sic} then
I will move my things. {her name}" Then I notice she's taken all her personal care products and placed them back in the bathroom, in the shower and the cupboards. Moreover, she's taken the boxes I put them in, ripped them and thrown them into my room. Then I notice a cabinet is open on my bureau. It's where I keep my clean linens, and since I haven't changed my sheets in over a week, I know damn well that cabinet was closed when I left my house today. And
then I notice stuff on my bureau seems to be askew. Among those papers is a file folder that has my documentation about her behavior, including the original and a copy for my landlord of the paid invoice from having the artwork she damaged on her first rampage repaired (to the tune of $110). :grr:
So I call my landlord to report these new abuses. Landlord says after she talked with me she called MPR who was still livid I had the gall to touch her stuff. Landlord told MPR she had authorized my packing her stuff up because she was supposed to be out by noon, and reiterated to MPR that she now owed the landlord $250 in arrears. MPR starts crying, saying she doesn't have that money and doesn't even have a place to live yet!
:wtf: She had 45 days advance notice she had to be out of here and she hasn't found another apartment yet? Honestly, this woman is too stupid for words!
Landlord has little sympathy for MPR. So anyway, landlord will be over in about about a half hour with a locksmith to change all the locks and the garage code. MPR is home now and hurriedly shoving stuff into car. Landlord was not going to charge her for having the locks changed, but she will now, along with the $110 for my damage repair and the $60 MPR owes me for cable. I hope MPR wasn't planning on using her deposit from here as a down payment on another place, because I don't think she'll be seeing much of that $500 deposit returned.
Is it wrong for me to be happy about all this? :evilgrin:
Oh, yeah, my new roommate, a nice graduate student, is on his way in now from L.A. I expect him around 10pm tonight. Thankfully he got a late start, since he was originally scheduled to be here by 5pm (15 minutes from now). That would have been cutting it close! (Really already too close for my tastes. I was hoping to have most of today to clean the place, as well as perform an exorcism of her bedroom before new dude has to sleep with her lingering evil, rotten spirit over him.)
Hopefully this will be the last installment of MPR! Good exorcism vibes greatly appreciated from anyone who wants to send them my way to help expedite her ass out the door. :)